make contribution to society中文

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| to make a valuable contribution to society. - Linguee | 中英词典(更 ...大量翻译例句关于"to make a valuable contribution to society." – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

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英漢詞典提供【make a contribution to society】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. twContributing to Society | ESG Management | Shimizu CorporationShimizu actively contributes to society and local communities as a corporate citizen. By doing so, we help preserve the abundance of the earth and create a ... | Energy Research AbstractsJohnson , A.W. ( Sandia National Labs . , Albuquerque , NM ( USA ) ) ; Loper , G.L .; Sigmon , T.W. 649p . Materials Research Society , Pittsburgh , PA ...Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, Volume 9Biobibliographical Studies, Volume 9 T. W. Freeman ... Oxford, 1980 on the Royal Geographical Society; G.L. Herries Davies (ed), Irish Geography: the ...Lung Volume Reduction Surgery... a great need to further research theexact contributions that each can make to the well being ofthe patient. ... Celli BR, Snider GL, Heffner J, et al.Rutherford's Vascular Surgery E-Book... to provide 59% competency and 63% ulcer-free recurrence rates at 30 months. ... GL, Myers K, Padberg FT, Perrin M, Ruckley CV, Smith PC, Wakefield TW, ...The Living ChurchIf you cannot contribute $ 10 a month , get together and sponsor a child with your friends ; or , make it a club or class project . YOUR CONTRIBUTION IN ANY ...
